Friday, April 28, 2006

People I admire - Mohandas Gandhi

I became very interested in modern Indian history after seeing The Jewel in the Crown, a wonderful BBC miniseries based on the Paul Scott novels "the Raj Quartet". This photo is one of my favorites, of Gandhi with Jawaharlal Nehru, free India's first PM. Gandhi's commitment to truth, non-violent protest, self-sacrifice and forgiveness was literally revolutionary. He inspired many other 20th Century heroes like Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr.

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Exxon/Mobil reports $8.4b in Q1 profits

"The Earth is not dying - it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses."

Sickening stuff. Greed is so ugly. 17 years later they still are trying to dodge paying for the Valdez catastrophe. DON'T BUY GAS FROM EXXON OR MOBIL.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

People I admire - Mother Theresa of Calcutta

To me, Mother Theresa is what a follower of Jesus Christ looks like. about the poor she cared for she said, "Each one of them is Jesus in disguise." If youre ever looking for inspiration take a look at her book "the simple path" or just google quotes by her.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

People I admire – Ernest Hemingway

When i was 20, i decided to take a solo 2 week trip to surf Puerto Rico. TWA bumped my up to first class where i was seated beside a model named Irena. Sounds like a Seinfeld episode, i know. She was very beautiful and i quickly fell in love. She was very friendly and we talked the whole flight. the one thing i remember about our conversation was her asking me who i liked to read. I had no answer. I decided that i would never lack an answer to that question again.

I went to the library when i got home and took out A farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls. i read AFTA that day, finishing at 2.30am. I was hooked. Began FWBT, liked it even more. The Sun Also Rises soon after. i drank it all in. I think the best Short Story ever written is "The short happy life of francis macomber."

I changed my major to english because of Ernest Hemingway. I pretty much credit him for my appreciation and love of the english language

Monday, April 24, 2006

People I admire

Here begins something i have thought of doing for a while; i used to think of it as a sort of "wall of fame" - people who i admire, who i look to for inspiration, who have affected me in a positive way.

There is no rhyme or reason to the order. I am going to try to do one per day for the next little while. hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

This one i should have bought

Here is a 1982 Cape Dory 25 that i looked at a month ago. i should have bought it, but my wife talked me out of it. the guy was asking $6000 which was a really good price. now i am bummed...

i have been sailing since i was 11, and have owned boats since around then. my first was a Cape Dory 10 that floated into our lake place. i named it Lumpy, tho' it has very nice lines and is the most elegant 10' boat i have ever seen. i am going to try to restore it a bit this year.

I have dreamt of blue water sailing ever since my mother bought me the book "Dove" when i was about 9. I sail mostly on Candlewood Lake in CT

i also have a Lark which is an English one-design that looks like this:

weaselings is back!

ok, this is a test